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Michel Rickhaus (*1985, Switzerland) received his Master’s degree in Organic Chemistry from the University of Basel (2011, with honours). During that time, he was working with Prof. Lawrence T. Scott in Boston College (USA, 2010) as a visiting scholar, before beginning his PhD studies with Prof. Marcel Mayor (2011-2015, summa cum laude) at the University of Basel on helical polyaromatics. He then joined Dr. med. Johannes Beck as a research associate (2015-2016, Swiss Civil Service) working on depression predictors in sleep stages. From 2016 to 2019, Michel was a SNSF funded postdoctoral researcher at Oxford University with Prof. Harry L. Anderson investigating non-planar π-conjugation in porphyrin rings and related topologies. In August 2019, Michel started his independent research as group leader (SNSF Ambizione) at the University of Zurich. In August 2023, following his call to the University of Geneva, Michel has begun his position at the University of Geneva as a Sandoz assistant professor for organic chemistry. With his latest grant (SNSF Starting Grant) – the translational ERC equivalent – the group sets sail to distant molecular lands.

Since August 2023 we are in Sciences II at the University of Geneva : Office 276 | Lab 274

Phone: +41 22 379 64 69

Postal address:
Université de Genève
Département de chimie organique
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1205 Genève

Prof. Dr.
Michel Rickhaus

To see a World in a Grain of Sand – William Blake

I am an associative thinker, and an incurable dreamer. I challenge the Status Quo, but suffer from imposter syndrome, devote entirely too much time on figures, probably swear too much (and too loudly), plan well ahead, but then make impulsive decisions. I am usually involved in organizing one event or another, and often meddle in things I only begin to fully comprehend once I am doing them. I love working with my motivated and passionate team – together we forge what we have learned into new tools that we hope all can eventually benefit from. 

I enjoy a good book, occasionally craft with wood, abide incompetence, love passionate people, enjoy dark humour, fear zealous bureaucracy, practice cooking, hate inefficiency, adore discovering new music, like running, like sleeping more.

▶︎ Some artwork can be found here
▶︎ A few interview answers for ACIE...Introducing here
▶︎ Need a photo or a CV? Find downloadable content here

More on the labs fate here.